Milestone reached in delivery of Tū Manawa funded projects

Sport Waitākere is delighted to be celebrating a major milestone that has benefited thousands of tamariki and rangatahi across West Auckland.


Sport Waitākere recently completed 100 Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa funded projects across active recreation, sport and play that have encouraged around 22,000 young people to get and stay active.


Jamie Lane, Project Advisor & Insights Lead for Sport Waitākere, says over $1.4 million has been invested by the funder into setting children on a path of health and wellbeing.


“We are incredibly grateful for the ongoing support of Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa and Sport NZ to help us change lives of our young people.


“We know that not all children have equal opportunity and access to the types of activities we’ve been able to provide and if they can have a positive interaction around play and sport at an early age, then this can set them up for a lifetime,” says Jamie.


Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa provides funding for programmes or projects delivering play, active recreation and sport experiences for tamariki and rangatahi.  While applications are welcomed from a wide range of groups and organisations, funding is prioritised for groups who are more at risk of missing out or being less active through disability or in higher deprivation communities, as well as girls and young women.


Tū Manawa’s funding has enabled Sport Waitākere to work with its community, school and club partners to deliver an impressive range of experiences for children and young people.


From the Wave Warriors Surfing and Surf Safety programme, run by Tamariki Tours, to the Holy Cross Catholic School’s cultural dance programme and Aroha Skate’s skateboarding lessons for tamariki with disabilities, the children have been exposed to opportunities they may not normally get.


Tanja Swanepoel from Aroha Skate says “This fund has been amazing for us. Without it we wouldn't have reached as many new communities as we have. Thank you Tū Manawa and Sport Waitākere”.


Suzanne Larmer from Tīwakawaka Trust says “Without this support we couldn't have achieved this - it's been a real highlight to be able to support 67 young women through our programmes this year. We know we have made a huge impact on their lives and those of their families”.


Jamie says the dedicated team at Sport Waitākere and its partners have facilitated so many great experiences.


“The 100 completed projects show the commitment our community has toward giving new experiences and enhancing wellbeing through play, active recreation and sport. Sport NZ has committed to at least four more years of pūtea, so we look forward to supporting those projects that allow our young people opportunities to move in a positive way,” concluded Jamie.


For more information about Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa and how to apply, please visit the Sport Waitākere website.   

Article added: Friday 03 November 2023


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